Clement Atzberger received Ph.D. degree on crop growth modelling and remote sensing data assimilation from Trier University, Germany, in 1997. Clement is now full Professor and Head of the Institute for Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information (IVFL) at BOKU University, Austria. Clement spent two years as Assistant Professor at ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, and further two years in private industry (GeoSys SA, Toulouse, France). For three years he was with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, Ispra (Italy). His main expertise is in the following fields: drought monitoring and index insurance, coarse resolution time series analysis (including noise removal and retrieval of phenological markers), radiative transfer modelling (forward and inverse) in agriculture and forestry, crop growth modelling and data assimilation, imaging spectroscopy. He is now focussing on the Sentinel-2 datastreams for applications in agriculture and forestry. He published more than 70 SCI journal papers (h=28).
Clement Atzberger简历_University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,ProfClement Atzberger受邀参会演讲_活动家